Wireless – WIFI
New Construction
- Design criteria based on coverage, applications, and future technologies
- Predictive analysis
- AP placements on floorplans
- Budgetary estimates
Augment Existing Networks (solve coverage or bandwidth issues)
- RF heat map to baseline current environment
- Document current metrics (signal strength, data rates, connectivity, etc.)
- Create new design to solve coverage & bandwidth issues
Readiness Analysis and Reports
- Detailed analysis of WLAN for preparation of rolling out a new device type
- Granular review of current RF environment and WLAN configurations
- Recommendations to facilitate high Quality of Service of new devices
Planning for RTLS (location tracking)
- Needs analysis to determine accuracy of system (floor level, room level, 1 meter accuracy, etc.)
- Documenting existing WLAN layout
- Simulations and other methodologies to identify new APs locations to improve accuracy
- Detailed implementation plan for RTLS
Turnkey Installation of WLAN (one company, one solution)
- Installation of cabling, access points, patching, testing
Static Power and Channel Planning
- Don’t reply on AutoRF to understand your RF environment
- Specialists in static power and channel planning
- Match transmit power to supported devices
- Reduce co-channel interference to improve network throughput
Post Installation Testing and Tuning
- RF heat mapping and performance testing
- Fine tune AP RF configurations to optimize WiFi environment
- Wireless packet captures
- Optimizing WiFi for co-existence of voice and data
Spectrum Analysis
- Spectrum analysis for non- WiFi interference
- Identify and eliminate devices slowing down your wireless network
Rouge AP Reports
- Locate non-enterprise APs operating in your facility
- Intrusion detection versus just locating all WiFi devices
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